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English translation for "william wordsworth"

n. william wordsworth (1770-1850), english poet
Example Sentences:
1.The Life of William Wordsworth.
Le sonnet de William Wordsworth Ste.
2.Coleridge is responding and interacting with many of Wordsworth's poems.
Coleridge répond et interagit avec des poèmes de William Wordsworth.
3.Her critical works include studies of William Wordsworth and Thomas Hardy.
Son travail critique comprend des études sur William Wordsworth et Thomas Hardy.
4.His religion and the poetry of William Wordsworth influenced his later writing style.
Sa religion et la poésie de William Wordsworth influenceront son style littéraire.
5.William Wordsworth reportedly called the play "the greatest tragedy of the age."
William Wordsworth aurait dit que la pièce est la plus grande tragédie de l'époque.
6.He is best known as an editor of William Wordsworth and Dorothy Wordsworth.
Il est connu pour avoir édité les œuvres de William Wordsworth et Dorothy Wordsworth.
7.Later he published The Eden of Imagination, imitating Wordsworth, who had also encouraged him.
Plus tard, il publie The Eden of Imagination, imitant William Wordsworth, qui l'a également encouragé.
8.1850: Alfred Tennyson is appointed Poet Laureate after the death of William Wordsworth.
En 1850, Tennyson atteignit le sommet de sa carrière, succédant à William Wordsworth comme poète lauréat.
9.He majored in English literature at Tokyo Imperial University, specializing in William Wordsworth.
Né à Toyama, il est diplômé de littérature anglaise à l'Université impériale de Tokyo, et spécialiste de William Wordsworth.
10.She was the sister of the Romantic poet William Wordsworth, and the two were close all their adult lives.
Sœur du poète William Wordsworth, ils restent proches tout au long de leurs vies.
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